Bésame Mucho

So much emotions out of one song

I am geting old. 🙂 I am hearing saturday evening show on Klassik Radio the Till Brönner Show, and he is playing a song that I heard many times in my life.

But this time it impressed me very much. The song is called Bésame Mucho. Wikipedia tells me quiet a story about this song. He get’s an award 1999 as the most played spanish song – without birthday or christmas songs. 🙂

There are so many interpretations from this song, from so many different people. Or would you plug James Last, The Beatles, Heinz Rühman and Elvis Presley in one drawer?

No matter if you search in YouTube or Spotify, there are so many versions of this song – different styles and artists.

But my absolute favorite is João Gilberto’s version. It’s really impressive was this song does in my heart. It is his voice, paired up with this fantastic composition of the big band. But the best part is his singing that sounds outside of the rhythm, but not wrong.

Are there more songs out there – that have the same effect on me. Please tell me!

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